Thursday, 22 June 2023

International Yoga Day

Celebrating International Yoga Day with little buddies can have several benefits for their overall development. Various physical postures and movements were performed that enhance flexibility, balance, coordination, and strength. Yoga promotes relaxation and mindfulness, which can help preschoolers manage their emotions and reduce stress. 

Yoga poses done by the students of Nursery, Pre Primary & Class I, required focus and concentration, which will surely help them enhance their cognitive abilities & to develop mind-body connections.

Special thanks to the parents for working hand in hand with us and guiding our little yogis about the importance of this special day and exposing them to the rich cultural heritage of yoga.

‘’Stretching into happiness’’

‘’Reaching for the stars’’

‘’Way to imagination & flexibility’’

“Achieving smiles & serenity”

“Bending, twisting & giggling”

“Together discovering the magic of yoga”

“Exploring mindfulness”

“Big dreams & love for yoga”

“May the joy of yoga fill your hearts, the strength of yoga empower your bodies, and the peace of yoga calm your minds. Happy International Yoga Day, little ones!"

Sunday, 18 June 2023


 Father's Day celebrations proved to be a wonderful way for our children to express their love and appreciation for their fathers. The primary goal was to help them celebrate and honor their fathers.
We are really thankful to the moms of our wonderful kids to help them surprise dads on this special day.
Children made cards, decorated picture frames, created handprints art. These crafts allowed children to take their time and be creative & express gratitude towards their superheroes in their own ways.

Celebrating the incredible dads who make our lives brighter.

To the man who always has our backs, Happy Father's Day!

Little handprints reflecting love &
honour for the best father!

The greatest gift I ever had came from God; I call him Dad!

A father's love is a bond that can never be broken, a love that lasts a lifetime.

In the spotlight today: amazing dads who deserve all the love and appreciation.

No clock can measure the value of the moments spent with my father, for they are priceless and irreplaceable.

In the tapestry of life, the threads woven with my father's time are the most vibrant and beautiful.

Honoring the unsung heroes in our lives - Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, 10 June 2023



Celebrating Best Friends Day in a setting can be a wonderful and heartwarming experience for young children. It is an occasion to celebrate the special bond between friends. 

We encouraged our little angels to experience the most important aspect of this day by meeting, celebrating and cherishing the special connections they have with their best friends.


Friends are like sunshine in the playground, making every day brighter.


Monday, 5 June 2023

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is a great opportunity to teach our tiny tots about the importance of protecting and preserving the environment. With the cooperation of parents, we tried to teach germination, propagation, making bird feeders & planting a sapling at their respective home garden. Children also made recycled pots using their own creativity. It was fun, engaging and age-appropriate, while instilling a sense of responsibility towards the environment in our generation next.

Let us celebrate this day by making arrangements to feed the birds and spread happiness around.

  • Let's go green as it makes environment clean.

  • Don’t be greedy, it’s time to be greeny.

  • Celebrate every day as environment day.

  As the first rays of the sun touched the grounds of DLDAV Model School junior wing a wave of patriotic fervor swept across the school prem...